Document #51003 Rev.E 01/11/02 P/N 51003:E
1.7.4 Annunciators
LED Zone Type Annunciators
The ACS Series Annunciators remotely display system status. The ACM/AEM-16ATF annunciators display zone
alarm and trouble status. In addition, they provide remote Acknowledge, Silence, Reset and Drill functions. The
ACM/AEM-32AF annunciators display zone alarm status only and provide no remote system switch functions. For
more detailed information, refer to the appropriate ACS Annunciator manual. Refer to “ACS and LDM Series Wir-
ing” on page 73, for detailed wiring requirements and “System Edit” on page 45, for information on programming the
MS-9200 for annunciator use.
The Annunciator Control Mod-
ule-16ATF contains 16 red
alarm and 16 yellow trouble
LEDs, a System Trouble LED,
an On Line/Power LED and a
local piezo sounder with
switches for MS-9200
Acknowledge, Silence, Reset
and Drill. The ACM-16ATF has
rotary address switches and will
accept up to three AEM-16ATF
The Annunciator Expander
Module-16ATF connects to the
AFM-16ATX and adds 16 sets
of red alarm LEDs and yellow
trouble LEDs. Three AEM-
16ATFs may be added to an
The Annunciator Fixed Module-
16ATF contains 16 red alarm
and 16 yellow trouble LEDs, a
System Trouble LED, an On
Line/Power LED and a local
piezo sounder with switches for
MS-9200 Acknowledge,
Silence, Reset and Drill. The
AFM-16ATF is fixed at address
'1' and communication is via the
ACS (EIA-485) data line.
The Annunciator Control Module-
32AF contains 32 red alarm
LEDs, a System Trouble LED, an
On Line/Power LED and a local
piezo sounder with a local
Silence/Acknowledge switch.
The ACM-32AF has rotary
address switches and will accept
one AEM-32AF Expander.
The Annunciator Expander Mod-
ule-32AF connects to the AFM-
32AX and adds 32 red alarm
LEDs. The AEM-32AF is identi-
cal in frontal appearance to the
AFM-32AX. Only one expander
module is allowed.
The Annunciator Fixed Module-
16AF has 16 red alarm LEDs.
Multiple annunciators may be
used by setting all annunciators to
Receive Only, except the last
AFM-16AF in line. Each annun-
ciator's address is internally fixed
at '1', and communication is via
the ACS (EIA-485) data line. The
Local Silence/Acknowledge
switch functions as local lamp test
and silence for annunciator piezo.
LEDs include On Line and Sys-
tem Trouble indicators.
The AFM-32AF is similar to the
AFM-16AF except it has 32 red
alarm LEDs for annunciating up
to 32 points.