Document #51003 Rev.E 01/11/02 P/N 51003:E
Program Change - Level One
New Detectors
For each new detector, the Autoprogram feature selects default program values and presents the information to the
user. A typical example follows:
In the preceding example:
• 'P' in 'P01' represents the actual type code (photoelectric) of the detector found at address 01. ('I' would repre-
sent an Ionization detector)
• The ADJ (adjective) and NOUN fields are blank, but may be user programmed
• 'Z00' is the default zone selection meaning 'general alarm' (main circuit board NAC outputs 1 & 2). Refer to
“Software Zones” on page 65, for software zone assignments.
After the new detector is displayed, press ENTER to accept the default information shown or press the left arrow (tri-
angle to the left of ENTER) to reject the autoprogram information and not enter it into memory. In most cases, adjec-
tive, noun descriptors and zone assignments will be added by using the following procedure.
The MS-9200 will lead you through the program editing process. A blinking cursor moves through the fields as you
press the right arrow key (triangle to the right of ENTER). After moving into other fields, you may return to a previ-
ous field by pressing the left arrow. Change the blinking fields by pressing the up arrow key, the down arrow key or
by pressing the appropriate numeric key.
Custom words may be entered via the keypad. The alphanumeric operation of the keypad changes a blinking letter in
the ADJ and NOUN fields. For example, to enter the letter 'R', repeatedly press the 7 key to step through 7, P, R and
S, stopping when R is displayed. Press the right arrow key (do not press ENTER at this time) to move to the next let-
ter display position.
To reduce the number of key presses, the user may also select from a library of stored words. The ADJ field library
provides five-character words selected by the up arrow or down arrow keys from the following list of available
The ADJ (adjective) field may be loaded from the library list above and then modified letter-by-letter if desired.
Pressing the up or down arrow keys steps through the library. Once the up or down arrow keys are pressed, the blink-
ing cursor moves to the last character of the ADJ field, assuming that the user will next want to move beyond this
Pressing a key on the 12-key pad changes the letter indicated by the blinking cursor. Any alphanumeric character
may be entered. Pressing the right or left arrow key moves the blinking cursor one letter right or left. When the right
arrow key is pressed with the blinking cursor on the last letter of the ADJ label, the cursor will move to the first letter
of the NOUN field.
<ADJ> <NOUN> Z00
_____ (default of blanks)