Trouble Operation
Document #51003 Rev.E 01/11/02 P/N 51003:E
Monitor and Control Modules
The following is a typical message that could appear on the LCD display for monitor modules and control modules in
The information displayed in the first line in the previous example provides the following information:
• The type of event - in this example TRBL indicates Device Trouble
• The Specific Device Troubles for a module - the # symbol will be replaced by a digit representing a specific
trouble condition (refer to the list of Specific Device Troubles for a module below)
• Type of device - in this example, MONITOR indicates a monitor module
• Point type and address - in this example, M01 indicates monitor module assigned to address 01
The information displayed in the second line in the previous example provides the following information:
• <ADJ> - user programmed adjective descriptor from library list or custom entry (five characters maximum)
• <NOUN> - user programmed noun descriptor from library list or custom entry (ten characters maximum)
• Zone - zone to which the point is assigned
The # symbol in the display will be replaced by a digit that represents the Specific Device Troubles as listed below:
Pressing the Acknowledge/Step key will cause the piezo to silence and the System Trouble LED to turn on steady.
This occurs regardless of the number of troubles, alarms and supervisory events active in the system (block acknowl-
edge). When the Acknowledge/Step key is pressed and at least one new alarm or trouble exists in the system, the
'Acknowledge' message is sent to the printer and history file. If the trouble clears, either before or after Acknowl-
edge, the 'Clear Trouble' message is sent to the printer as illustrated by the following example:
If all troubles clear and there are no supervisory or fire conditions active in the system, the system returns to normal
operation status and the 'Systems All Normal' message is shown on the LCD display and stored in the history and
printer files. Trouble restore occurs even if the troubles were never acknowledged (auto-restore).
If the Alarm Silence key is pressed when only troubles exist, it will have the same effect as the Acknowledge/Step
key. The Alarm Silence LED will not be illuminated unless there was also an alarm in the system.
TABLE 4-2:
Specific Device Troubles for a Module
Specific Device Troubles
An Invalid Reply may be due to:
(1) incorrect pulse width received from a module
(2) no answer from a module due to either a complete device failure or removal from the SLC loop
(3) an incorrect identification code received, i.e. a monitor module replaced by a control module or vice-versa
Short Circuit Control Module - indicates a short circuit exists across a control module's NAC
Open Circuit Monitor/Control Module - indicates an open circuit exists on a control module’s NAC or the
monitor module's Initiating Device Circuit
<ADJ> <NOUN> Z00