F-960 Instruction Manual rev. 6/23/2017
1554 NE 3
Ave, Camas, WA 98607, USA
Phone: (360) 833-8835
[email protected]
Set zero should take place weekly for all sensors to maintain
maximum performance. The set zero process does not require
G.A.S. and can be done following the processes outlined in the
“Setup > Set Zero” section
of the user manual. Set zero
optionally CAN be done with G.A.S. utilizing 100% N2 gas (which
represents a 0% CO2, C2H4 and O2 environment).
After setting zero, select "Span Calibration" and follow the
instructions outlined in the software to complete the Span
calibration process, a diagram outlining how to connect your
standard gas will display.
The timer is defaulted to 3 minutes which is typically a sufficient
stabilization period, if a longer stabilization period is needed
increase the timer to 5 minutes. Press start and wait for the
calibration process to complete.