Chapter 5— Optimizing Printer Performance
EasyCoder 4420 and 4440 Bar Code Label Printer User’s Manual
You can adjust the print darkness from +10 to -10.
Click OK.
Download your change to the printer by pressing the button to send
command updates to the attached printer.
Fine-Tuning the Top of Form Position
If the label format prints too close to the front or back edge of the label,
you can fine-tune the position with the top of form (TOF) switch. The
TOF switch controls the position of the format forward or backward along
the length of the label.
Only use the TOF switch to fine-tune the label format position after you
design the label. Use PrintSet or the IPL top of form command to control
the default TOF setting. For help on using the top of form command, see
the PrintSet online help or the
IPL Programming Reference Manual
The printer returns to the default TOF setting when you
• cycle printer power.
• lift the printhead.