EasyCoder 4420 and 4440 Bar Code Label Printer User’s Manual
2D symbologies, 82
Code 16K, 82
Code 49, 82
Data Matrix, 83
Maxicode, 84
MicroPDF417, 83
PDF417, 83
QR Code, 84
AC power receptacle, 6
bias adjust screw, 48
darkness adjust control, 49
label gap sensor, 55
label mark sensor, 56
label rest point, 68
X forms adjust, 72
Y forms adjust, 72
Advanced mode, international character sets, 86, 87
Alert LED
described, 4
troubleshooting, 41
AS400, connecting to the printer, 24
backing, definition, 104
bands, image, 58
bar code symbologies
Codabar, 81
Code 11, 81
Code 128, 81
Code 2 of 5, 81
Code 39, 81
Code 93, 81
EAN, 81
Interleaved 2 of 5, 81
list of, 81
UPC, 82
batch takeup
definition, 104
described, 80
BEL, definition, 104
bias adjust screw
adjusting, 48
using for optimal print quality, 48
bi-directional parallel port, 98
boundaries, communication, 98
considerations in noisy electrical environments, 25
null-modem schematics, 101
RS-232 schematics, 101
RS-422 schematic, 102
changing core-locking brackets, 11
character sets
Advanced mode, 86, 87
Code Page 850, 88
definition, 104
extended, 89
international, 86
list of, 76
label sensors, 37
media guides, 36
media path, 36
printer, 31
printer covers, 34
printhead, 32
rollers, 35
tear bar, 35
cloning, definition, 104
coax interface option, 80
Codabar, 81
Code 11, 81
Code 128, 81
Code 16K, 82
Code 2 of 5, 81
Code 39, 81
Code 49, 82
Code 93, 81
Code Page 850, character table, 88
communicating with the printer, 27
using PrintSet, 27
using third-party software, 27
boundaries, 98
configuring the serial port, 25
problems, 44
protocols, 94
hardware, 96
Multi-Drop, 96
Polling Mode D, 96
Standard, 94
user-defined, 97
communication boundaries, 98
communication protocols, 94
host requirements, 98
See also
testing by printing a test label, 28
troubleshooting, 45, 64
communications interfaces, 79, 99
configuration commands
changing from Test and Service mode, 66
Emulation mode, 66
label rest point, 66
X forms adjust, 66
Y forms adjust, 66
DIP switch settings, 66