EasyCoder 4420 and 4440 Bar Code Label Printer User’s Manual
image bands
A portion of an image in the shape of a strip of the image. A certain
number of image bands are stored in memory before printing begins. This
method allows printing and imaging to take place simultaneously.
The process of generating a picture of the label in printer memory.
increment/decrement field
Bar code or text fields the printer automatically changes from one label to
the next. For example, a batch of labels with serial number text or bar code
fields, that change from 001, to 002, to 003, and so on.
To move from the start of the label to the start of print. With continuous
media, to advance the media over the “label gap” to the “edge“ of the next
interpretive field
A text field that describes the data in the associated bar code field.
Inches per second. A measurement of print speed that measures the
number of inches of media that is printed each second.
International Organization for Standardization. An internationally
accepted 7-bit character code. (The U.S. version is ASCII.)
The part of the media on which data is printed.
label format
The design of a bar code label; the arrangement of the text, lines, and bar
codes on a label.
label gap
The space between labels on die-cut label stock.
The distance between the edge of a label and where the printing starts on
that label. See also top of form.