The function is disconnected and return to default setting is made with:
From keypad:
From phone:
# 710 #
LED flashing sequence
When the alarm button has been activated and an alarm is registered by the ECII™ Flex, the
left LED on the ECII™ Flex is lit up in yellow. When the alarm is acknowledged the right LED
is lit up in green and the yellow LED is turned off. This flashing sequence, together with the
front pictograms complies with EN81:70.
There is an option to change to a flashing sequence which indicates a registered alarm with
flashing green light and acknowledged alarm with fixed green light, similar to earlier FältCom
ECII™ phones. This is done using the following programming sequence:
From keypad:
From phone:
# 510 #
Return to the yellow/green flashing sequence by programming:
From keypad:
From phone:
510 #
Programmable alarm types
When sending an alarm to an alarm receiver using the CPC protocol the ECII™ Flex will be
identified by the alarm code and alarm type. The alarm code specifies the location of the device
and the alarm type specifies the type of alarm that is being sent. The alarms can be of different
types but they all have the same alarm code. For the ECII™ Flex the default alarm types are:
Alarm input
Alarm type (decimal)
Input 1
Input 2
Input 3
Test alarm/routine call
Battery alarm
Battery reset alarm
End-of-alarm (magnet)
Info alarm
Technical alarm
Programmable alarm type alarm input 1
The normal alarm type 10 (0Ah) for emergency alarms may be mapped to another alarm type
represents an alarm type between 00 and 99. The alarm type is changed with the
From keypad:
From phone:
<xx> #
162187 Manual FältCom ECII™ Flex
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