From phone:
# 141 #
The active alarm mode is automatically disconnected after 6 hours, but will be extended with
6 hours if a new speech connecting alarm is made or if a call is made to the ECII™ Flex dur-
ing this interval.
Answering time for incoming calls
The number of ringing signals before the ECII™ Flex answers incoming calls can be changed.
Default is 1 ringing signal and can be changed up to 30. This is changed by:
From keypad:
< 1-30 >
From phone:
< 1-30 >
Note: Older FältCom ECII™ models have an answer time of ‘4’ ringing signals before answer-
ing. If a ECII™ Flex is sharing the line with older lift phone the ringing signal answer time must
be changed to ‘4’ on the ECII™ Flex as well.
Technical & Battery alarm receiver
It is possible to send technical alarms from alarm input 2 and 3 and also battery alarms to a
dedicated alarm receiver. This is activated by:
From keypad:
<Telephone number (max 20 digits)>
From phone:
< telephone number > #
Enter Alarm code (default Alarm Code 1):
From keypad:
<Alarm code (max 10 digits)>
From phone:
< Alarm code (max 10 digits) > #
Deactivate function:
From keypad:
From phone:
# 310 #
Test of the alarm receiver:
From keypad:
From phone:
310 #
After exiting the programming mode, the ECII™ Flex will make a test call to the technical
alarm receiver.
6.14.1 Battery alarm from Power Supply (art. 132001)
Battery back-up power is available using the Power Supply unit (art. 132001). The Power Sup-
ply will generate a battery alarm when the battery is bad. The ECII™ Flex will send the battery
alarm to the receiver using alarm type 17d (CPC protocol specific). When the ECII™ Flex sends
a battery alarm; change the battery in the Power Supply and push the “Reset” button. The
ECII™ Flex will then send a battery reset alarm using alarm type 12d (CPC protocol specific).
Battery alarm is default deactivated in the ECII™ Flex.
Activate battery and battery reset alarms from Power Supply:
From keypad:
From phone:
330 #
To return to default setting, disabling battery and battery reset alarms:
162187 Manual FältCom ECII™ Flex
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