Series Soft Start User Manual
MAN-AGY-001. Version 04. 21/09/2018
For safety reasons the unit will trip during some operations if the remote
start signal is active
Trip On: Trips if the remote start signal is active when the unit is powered
up or a reset is applied.
Trip Off: The unit will not trip and may start unexpectedly if the start
signal is accidently left active.
Indicates the phase sequence of the incoming supply.
RYB = ABC = L1-L2-L3
RBY = ACB = L1-L3-L2
Save Log
Download the full log file on to the USB stick
The unit logs several parameters during normal and fault conditions
Data is stored in CSV format. Please send all downloaded files to Fairford
on request
Serial No
The device serial number stored at the point of manufacture
Shear Amps
The current in Amps that will cause a "Shear Trip"
A trip will occur if the motor
current is greater than the "Shear Amps” for
the "Shear Time"
Shear TIme
The trip time for the Shearpin trip
A trip will occur if the motor current is greater than the "Shear Amps" for
the "Shear Time"
The Shearpin is an electronic equivalent of a mechanical Shearpin
Trip On: The unit will trip. This feature is not active during soft start and
soft stop.
Trip Off: The unit will continue to operate regardless of motor current
Start Time
Time taken to soft start from the "Initial Volts" to the end of the start
Normally set between 5 and 30 seconds.
Actual time to get to full voltage depends on the "Limit Amps".
If set too long the motor can be at speed before the end of the time set.
Stop Time
The time taken to soft stop from full voltage to the end of the stop
Normally set between 15 and 30 seconds.
Actual time to get to the final voltage depends on the "Limit Amps".
If set too long the motor may reach zero speed before the end of the time
Function Descriptions (continued)