Series Soft Start User Manual
MAN-AGY-001. Version 04. 21/09/2018
Sets the Modbus address number
The unit has numerous pre-set applications built in as standard.
Select the application best suited to the load.
The selected application will automatically change several parameters
and functions.
Depending on the application l
oaded the “Trip Class" may also change
Sets the serial communications baud rate
The available baud rates are 9600 19200 38400 57600 or 115200
Boot Ver
Software Version for the Bootloader
Cntrl Funct
Allows the Digital inputs to be mapped to different functions
Cntrl Mode must be set to "Remote"
Two Wire: D1 = Start (Reset) / Stop
Three Wire: D1 = Start (Reset) D2 = Stop
D2 Reset, D2 HoldStart , D2 Enable , D2 FireMode : Programs D2 as
Cntrl Mode
Selects the method for starting and controlling the motor
Local: Control using the button on the keypad
Remote: Control using the terminals.
Modbus: Control via Modbus network
Detects if the communications bus has failed or become inactive.
To keep the bus active there must be at least one Modbus read or
write (any PNU) during the "Comms Time” period (ModbusPNU 147)
Trip On: Communication trip enabled.
Trip Off: External Trip is disabled
Communications trip Timeout period
To prevent a 'Communications Trip' (if enabled) the bus must be kept
To keep the bus active there must be at least one Modbus read or write
(any PNU) during the
"Timeout ms” period
Cont Delay
Time allowed for external contactors to close.
Increase if contactors are driven by buffer relays or motor trips on phase
loss when start signal applied.
Decrease if response to start signal needs to be improved
Function Descriptions (continued)