Series Soft Start User Manual
MAN-AGY-001. Version 04. 21/09/2018
mechanical form, usually as a shaft rotating at a speed fixed by the frequency of the supply. The
power available from the shaft is equal to the torque (moment) multiplied by the shaft speed
(rpm). From an initial value at standstill, the torque alters, up or down, as the machine
accelerates, reaching a peak at about two thirds full speed, finally to become zero at synchronous
speed. This characteristic means that induction motors always run at slightly less than
synchronous speed in order to develop power -
the ‘slip speed’ and, hence the term
asynchronous. The following graph is of an induction motor torque/speed curve and illustrates
this most important characteristic.
As for each type of motor, so each load coupled to an induction motor has its own speed/torque
Applications (continued)
Torque/Speed Curve
Induction Motor
Torque/Speed Curve
Coupled Load