is a portable instrument that utilizes a Hall probe to measure magnetic flux density in terms
of gauss, tesla or ampere/meter. The measurement range is from 0.01 mT (0.1 G or 0.01 kA/m) to 3.000T (30.00 kG or 2388 kA/m) for the
5280, and 2.000T (20.00 kG or 1592 kA/m) for the 5270. The instrument is capable of measuring static (DC) and alternating (AC) magnetic
MODEL 5270 / 5280
consists of a hand-held meter and various detachable Hall probes. The meter operates on one rechargeable 3.6 volt
lithium ion battery and can also be powered by an external supply through the USB C port. A retractable stand allows the meter to stand
upright on a flat surface. The large display is visible at considerable distances. The instrument is easily configured using the touchscreen.
Three measurement ranges can be selected or the meter can automatically select the best range based on the present flux density being
measured. A “zero” function allows the user to remove undesirable readings from nearby magnetic fields (including earth’s) or false readings
caused by initial electrical offsets in the probe and meter. Included is a “zero flux chamber” which allows the probe to be shielded from external
magnetic fields during this operation. Another feature called “relative mode” allows large flux readings to be suppressed so that small
variations within the larger field can be observed directly. Both the “zero” and “relative” adjustments can be made manually or automatically.
Other features include three “hold” modes, allowing either the arithmetic maximum, minimum or instantaneous peak values to be held
indefinitely until reset by the user. An analog signal is available from a standard BNC connector that is representative of the magnetic flux
density signal and is calibrated to 3 Volts full scale in dc mode or 3 VRMS in AC mode. This output can be connected to a voltmeter,
oscilloscope, recorder or external analog to digital converter.
The meter can be fully configured and flux density readings acquired from a remote computer or PLC using the USB communications port.
The meter, probes and accessories are protected when not in use by a sturdy carrying case.
• Sorting or performing incoming inspection on permanent magnets, particularly multi-pole magnets
• Testing audio speaker magnet assemblies, electric motor armatures and stators, transformer lamination stacks, cut toroidal cores, coils, and
• Determining the location of stray fields around medical diagnostic equipment
• Determining sources of electromagnetic interference
• Locating flaws in welded joints
• Inspection of ferrous materials
• Field mapping
• Inspection of magnetic recording heads