DT40_60_100M-en-GB_v1.0 8/17
Measurement Preparation
Measurement Considerations
For best results, choose a target that is flat, hard and smooth
Use a section of cardboard or similar material if the target
size needs to be increased
For distance measurements, this device performs best
indoors. If used outdoors, the range will be limited
depending on intensity of light and other environmental
Replace the battery if the battery icon flashes on the display
The meter will not measure through glass, liquid, or
Inaccurate measurements may result from low battery,
measured distance exceeding specified range, and irregular
shaped objects near the target.
Range considerations
The range is limited to 40m (131.2’), 60m (197’), or 100m
(328.1’) depending on model. At night or dusk, if the target is in
shadow, the measuring range without target plate is increased.
Use a target plate to increase the range during daylight or if the
target has poor reflection properties. In unfavorable conditions
such as intense sunlight, poor reflective surfaces, or high
temperatures, distance readings over 10m (33’) can increase by
±0.15mm/m (±0.0018in/ft.).
Target surfaces
Measurement errors can occur when measuring toward colorless
liquids (e.g. water), dust free glass, Styrofoam or similar semi-