Revision 19, November 2016
Page 8-1
In case of MetalJet D2+ source malfunction, you will find possible causes and instructions for repair in the
following table. If there is no reference to a specific section in this operating manual or the service manual in
the “remedy” column, please conta
ct Excillum for further instructions.
Additional and more detailed information regarding the jet pump, roughing pump, turbopump, fore-vacuum
gauge, and high-vacuum gauge may be found in their respective operating manual.
Possible cause
High voltage generator shuts
down repeatedly due to arcing
Contaminated high-voltage
Follow instructions in Section 0 to
remove and clean connectors
with isopropanol
Metal debris contamination of
high voltage chamber
Follow service manual
instructions to
Clean interior of HV chamber
Faulty high-voltage cable
Contact Excillum according to
instructions in Section 1.3.1.
No electron-beam emission
Cathode assembly short circuit
caused by liquid-metal debris
Follow service manual
instructions to
Remove & attach HV feedthrough
and inspect cathode assembly for
metal debris
Fluctuations of electron-beam
power emission
Oxide layer on cathode
Evaporate oxide layer from
cathode using the
Cathode bake
button in the GUI
Low photon flux in relation to
electron-beam power
Electron beam hits metal jet in
non-optimal position
Adjust electron-beam position
relative to metal jet
Exit window out of order and
Check exit window heating
current and voltage
if not 1.5 A
and about 4 V, follow service
manual instructions to
Replace exit window
Large leakage current in electron
caused by either
Contamination of high voltage
feedthrough, metal electrodes
and vacuum chamber
Faulty high-voltage cable
Faulty high-voltage power
supply unit
Immediately contact Excillum
according to instructions in
Section 1.3.1.
X-ray flux fluctuates violently
Jet is unstable
Follow service manual
instructions to
Replace nozzle assembly
X-ray spot size very large (>50
µm) in the horizontal direction
Jet is unstable
Follow service manual
instructions to
Replace nozzle assembly