Revision 19, November 2016
Page 2-6
Proper use
The MetalJet D2+ apparatus is an x-ray source and may only be used as such.
Only use accessories and spare parts mentioned in this operating manual or with written approval from
Any guarantees,
warranties and the manufacturer’s Declaration of Incorporation
become invalid if the MetalJet
D2+ source is modified without authorization from Excillum.
Installation, operation, and maintenance regulations must be complied with.
Improper use
Improper use will cause all claims for liability and guarantees to be forfeited. Improper use is deemed to be all
use for purposes deviating from those mentioned in Section 2.2 above, especially but not limited to:
Using accessories or spare parts not mentioned in this operating manual without authorization from
Pumping other liquids, gases, slurries, or similar in the metal-jet loop than what is stated in the
confirmation of the purchase order.
If permitted liquids (or similar) is not stated in the confirmation of the purchase order written
approval from Excillum has to be acquired before exchanging liquids (or similar).
Operating the MetalJet D2+ source in potentially explosive areas.
Operating the MetalJet D2+ source with removed covers or disconnected or bypassed interlocks.
Performing maintenance or service on the MetalJet D2+ source while it is energized.
Connection to units which have touchable and voltage carrying parts.
Connection to units which are not suitable for this purpose according to their operating instructions.