Revision 19, November 2016
Page 2-1
Safety precautions
Qualified personnel
Installation work, commissioning and operation of the MetalJet D2+ source must only be done by qualified and
skilled personnel. Installation work shall only be done by qualified personnel who are skilled because of
technical education, expertise and schooling about:
Safety regulations
X-ray radiation
Accident prevention regulations
Standards and approved rules of technique
The qualified and skilled personnel must have the ability to assess the assigned job, identify possible dangers
and avoid them. The qualified personnel must be authorized by the person in charge for security of the plant to
carry out the necessary work and tasks.
Partly completed machinery
The MetalJet D2+ source is a partly completed machinery (as defined by the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC)
and is therefore intended to be incorporated into or assembled with other machinery or partly completed
machinery in order to function properly. It is the responsibility of the machinery integrator to make sure that
the final machinery meets all local safety regulations such as radiation protection, and all other applicable
regulations such as CE compliance, Machinery Directive, EMC Directive, etc.
Partly completed machinery
Excillum is not responsible for the installation, use, or application of the MetalJet D2+ source.
If the MetalJet D2+ source is used in a manner not specified by Excillum, then protection built into the
MetalJet D2+ source may be impaired.
It is the sole responsibility of the machinery integrator that the final machinery including the MetalJet D2+
is safe to use.
Operating manual
This operating manual contains important information regarding the workings, operation, maintenance, and
safety of the MetalJet D2+ source. All persons involved in operation or service must have thoroughly read and
understood the operating manual beforehand.