Revision 19, November 2016
Page 2-5
Poisoning hazard
The x-ray exit window of the MetalJet D2+ source consists of a beryllium foil. Beryllium metal is highly toxic. Do
not touch or otherwise handle the foil. Take care to read and follow the instructions below.
Poisoning hazard
Beryllium window
Fumes or dust from beryllium and its compounds can be hazardous if inhaled! Corrosion of the beryllium
may occur during use. Beryllium must not be cut, machined, or handled in any way.
The beryllium foil of the x-ray source is fragile and brittle. When installing, replacing, or working around the
x-ray source and the detector assemblies, proceed with great caution.
DO NOT touch the beryllium foil and DO NOT expose the beryllium window to corrosive substances such as
acid, acid vapor, water, water vapor, or other substances.
In case of an implosion of the x-ray tube, you could get hurt by beryllium fragments. This is why you must
wear safety goggles and gloves when cleaning the instrument after such an incident.
Disposal of beryllium must comply with all applicable national, state, and local laws and regulations.
If breakage of a beryllium window occurs, proceed as follows:
Avoid touching, breathing or swallowing the particles and do not allow the particles to come into
contact with your skin or clothing.
Gather all broken pieces and particles immediately using a pair of tweezers or the sticky side of
masking tape.
Handle the beryllium pieces as you would a poison. Place them in a sealed, unbreakable container
” and contact the proper authorities for transport and
disposal guidelines.
If the beryllium particles have come into contact with skin, remove them as described above and wash the
affected area thoroughly.
If the beryllium particles have come into contact with clothes, remove and discard the particles carefully as
described above. Wash the clothing thoroughly. Check for beryllium particles on the skin as described