Revision 19, November 2016
Page 7-1
Shutting down for shorter periods
If the MetalJet D2+ source is not going to be used for a shorter time period (less than two months) it is
preferred to leave it in the
state, i.e. with the vacuum pumps and jet pump running, but with the high
voltage generator turned off (see Section 5.10.3).
Shutting down for longer periods
If the source is not going to be used for a longer time period (more than two months) it may be completely
turned off (see Section 5.10.4). Follow the instructions in Section 3.2 about how to store it.
If the source cannot be stored in a dry environment (as a whole unit or divided into its sub-assembly units) it
must be airproof shrink-wrapped in a plastic bag together with some bags of desiccant.
Restarting after longer shutdown
Visually inspect all sub-assembly units. If there is evidence of rust on any of the parts of the system,
then do not take it into operation before having consulted Excillum (see Page ii).
Depending on how long the system has been taken out of operation the o-rings may have to be
replaced. Contact Excillum for advice.
Inspect and, if necessary, exchange the drive unit lubricant in the jet pump. Follow the maintenance
instructions in Section 6.2.1.
Inspect and, if necessary, exchange the hydraulic oil in the jet pump. Follow the maintenance
instructions in Sections 6.2.1.
Install and commission the system in accordance with the installation and operating instructions of
Sections 4 and 5.
Products or parts thereof (mechanical and electrical components, operating fluids, etc.) may cause
environmental burden. Safely dispose of the materials according to the locally applicable regulations. In
addition, please take care that all oil and grease is disposed according to the ordinance of waste oils.
Before recycling the individual materials must be separated. Most important components are cast iron, steel,
aluminum, copper, gallium-based liquid metal alloy, Beryllium and plastics. Electronic components like printed
circuit boards must be recycled separately.