Issue 2 Mar 98
Section 4
Page 4 - 8
Instrument configuration allows:
1. The setting of a new password
2. The setting of a different language for subsequent displays and chart printing
3. Configuration of remote cold junction input
Figure 4.3 Instrument Configuration pages
4.3.1 Password
The password can be any five-character (max.) string, entered using the cursor and arrow keys as described in section
4.1.2. You can set the password to 00000 to disable password protection, thus allowing access to the configuration
menus without further need of a password.
4.3.2 Language
English, French or German can be selected as the language for subsequent operations.
4.3.3 Remote CJ Channel
When 'Enabled', any input channel can be selected for use as a remote cold junction measuring channel. In such a
case, the selected input type, range, linearisation etc. must be set up in the channel configuration (section 4.5) for the
selected channel. The temperature units set up in the channel's configuration must match those set up in 'Remote CJ
Units' described immediately below.
Once a remote CJ channel has been configured, any other input channel can use it as a 'Remote' CJ input, if so con-
4.3.4 Remote CJ units
Scrollable through ˚C, ˚F, Kelvins or Rankine, the remote CJ units must match the units configured for the Remote
CJ channel.
4.3.5 Instrument tag
A 16-character max. descriptive tag can be entered. See section 4.1.2 for text entry techniques.
Remote CJ units ˚C
Remote CJ Channel: 1
Scrolls through Enabled, Disabled
Use Arrow keys to enter channel number
Scrolls through ˚C, ˚F, K, R
Use Cursor and arrow keys to enter
instrument tag (appears in logs if
configured to do so - section 4.6.1)
Set Password: 00010
Language: English
Remote CJ Disabled
Scrolls through English, French, German
Use Cursor and arrow keys to enter new