Issue 2 Mar 98
Section 2
Page 2 - 8
Input Break Response
Use the Page up key twice to call the Break Response
page. This page allows us to set Drive high, such
that if the wiring to the thermocouple breaks, the pen
will move to the outer edge of the chart and trace at
Full Scale, thus making it obvious that there is a
Used to add a fixed value (in engineering units) to
measurements. This is normally set to 0.0.
This page allows entry of a 14-character text string to
describe the channel. The tag can appear at the dis-
play and in logs.
Use of the up and down arrow keys allows us to
scroll through the available character set for which-
ever of the 14 characters is currently flashing. The
cursor key is used to move you along the string to the
position to be edited. See section 4.1.2 for characters.
When tag editing is complete, operate the Enter key,
followed by the Cancel key, to re-call the Channel
Config page
This completes the Channel Range configuration.
We now need to go to Channel Alarm configuration,
then Channel Trace.
Alarm type
From the Channel :Range page, operate the page
key to call the Channel : Alarm page.
By default, alarm 1 of the four alarms is already
selected, and we will use this for convenience.
Use the Enter key to call the Setpoint page, then
again to call the enable page.
Use the up arrow key to scroll through 'Unlatched' to
'Latched'. ·See section 4.5.2 for a description of dif-
ferent types of alarm.
Use the Page up key to call the alarm type page. By
default, 'Absolute Low' appears at the display.
Operate the up arrow key to select 'Absolute High'.
Damping None
Brk Rsp None
Brk Rsp Drive Hi
Offset 0.00
Tag: Channel 1
Tag: Furnace1 tempA
Tag: Furnace1 tempA
Channel : Range
Channel : Alarm 1
Alarm : Setpoint
Enable Off
Enable Unlatched
Enable Latched
Type Absolute Low
Type Absolute High