Eurotherm Recorders hereby declares that the above products conform to the safety and
EMC specifications listed. Eurotherm Recorders further declares that the above products
comply with the EMC Directive 89 / 336 / EEC amended by 93 / 68 / EEC, and also with
the Low Voltage Directive 73 /23 / EEC
Declaration of Conformity
Signed for and on behalf of Eurotherm Recorders
Peter De La Nougerède
(Technical Director)
IA249986U130 Issue 1 Mar 98
Manufacturer's name:
Eurotherm Recorders Incorporated
Manufacturer's address
One Pheasant Run,
Newtown Industrial Commons,
Newtown, PA 18940 USA.
Product type:
Industrial chart recorder
(Status level B2 or higher)
Safety specification:
EN61010-1: 1993 / A2:1995
EMC emissions specification:
EN50081-2 (Group1; Class A)
EMC immunity specification:
All rights are strictly reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, without the prior, written, permission of the
copyright owner.
Eurotherm Recorders Inc. reserves the right to alter the specification of its products from time to time
without prior notice. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information
contained herein, it is not warranted or represented by Eurotherm Recorders Inc. to be a complete or
up-to-date description of the product.
© 1999 Eurotherm Recorders Inc.