Storage types
Timing (continuous)
Continuously recording
Motion detection recording
Start recording when any motion is detected.
Please refer to the section 4.1.11 Motion detection
Alarm recording
Starting recording when detecting the alarm from the external
Please refer to the section 5.4 Alarm parameters.
Motion detection
or alarm recording
Staring recording when detecting motion or alarm from the
external sensors.
Motion detection
and alarm recording
Staring recording when detecting motion and alarm from the
external sensors.
Command triggering
Trigger via the command from the user-end, e.g. manual
Intellectual recording
Recording via intellectual analysis
(Supported by some models)
10 -60s
Delay recording for a certain time after alarm.
5.3.2. Snapshot Parameters
Click “Snapshot parameters” to set up the number of snapshots (1-5 pieces) each time, snapshot-taken
interval (more than 40ms), and snapshot processing methods.
There are two kinds of snapshot processing methods: upload pictures to picture FTP server and save it to local
hard disk.
Fig. 60.
When choosing the snapshot processing method to be uploading to FTP server, it means that the network
camera shall automatically write the recording data to a specified FTP server. Users are required to add FTP
server address, port, and the username and password that have the authorization of writing on FTP server. The
default port of the FTP server is 21. And the data package time can be set to be 1 to 30 minutes, defaulted to
make a package every 10 minutes. In the root directory of FTP server, all records of the camera are stored in the
fold name of data(server@camera’s MAC address) so as to be easy for management, retrieval and locating of
5.4. Alarm Settings
5.4.1. Alarm Input
Click “Alarm input settings” to set up alarm input’s name, type, startup time, and linkage.
The alarm input settings are for the alarm input port of HD camera. It is able to self-define the input name,
choose alarm types, and set up alarm startup time. The device can choose to start alarm up in any time in a week
and also can copy the startup time period to the weeks that have the same time phases. The alarm processing
methods include whether to process, PTZ linkage, uploading to the center, and whether to trigger alarm output,
etc. It is shown as below: