4. Installation Walkthrough
4.2. Heating and Cooling Circuits
4.2.3. Circulation Pump Control
Note: P1 is circulation pump 1, P2 is pump 2
• “
Buffer Tank” should be checked if one is installed between the heat pump and distribution system.
• “
P1/P2 for Heating/Cooling Operation” sets that circuit’s pump to work for heating or cooling.
If “Buffer Tank” is NOT checkmarked, both P1 and P2 will only work when the compressor is working
in the same mode that the pump is set to. So, if P1 is set to “P1 for Heating Operation”, P1 will activate
ONLY when the compressor is working in heating mode. If P1 is checkmarked for both “Heating” and
Cooling” operations, then P1 will be ON when the compressor is working in both heating and cooling
modes. The pump stops when switched to DHW mode, or after the set temperature is reached.
If “Buffer Tank” IS checkmarked, both P1 and P2 will work as long as there is demand from the
distribution system, as per the pump setting. The following must also be fulfilled:
Actual temperature in the buffer tank (detected via TC) is equal or above 20˚C (in heating)
Actual temperature in the buffer tank (detected via TC) is equal or below 23˚C (in cooling)
Even if the unit is working in DHW mode, or the set temperaure is reached, the circulation pump will
start to work as long as there are heating/cooling demands, and TC is fulfilled as per the above.
• “
P1/P2 with High Temp. Demand” sets P1/P2 to automatically stop if the signal for “high demand” is
off. For more information regarding this setting, please refer to part D on page 62.
It is very important to place the temperature sensor (TR) in a central location with good
circulation, with no hot or cold equipment nearby, in a column or interior wall, or somewhere similar.