About AV.io 4K
AV.io 4K is t he lat est addit ion t o Epiphan Video's indust ry-leading video grabbers product line, adding 4K
resolut ion support while maint aining support f or HD and SD resolut ions. To use AV.io 4K, t here's no sof t ware
t o inst all; simply connect t he cables and go. It works on Windows, Mac and Linux and int egrat es seamlessly
wit h your f avorit e t hird-part y applicat ions such as Skype, Adobe FMLE, Wirecast , VLC media player and
Quickt ime.
AV.io 4K capt ures resolut ions up t o and including 4096×2160, making it t he simplest way available t o capt ure
DCI 4K and 4K UHD digit al signals.
For t hose curious as t o t he dif f erence bet ween DCI 4K and 4K UHD, t hese are just dif f erent def init ions of a 4K
resolut ion. 4K UHD (3840×2160) is t he st andard 4K resolut ion available on t elevisions and ot her common
display screens. The 4K resolut ion of 4096×2160 is ref erred t o as Digit al Cinema Init iat ives (DCI) 4K, and is t he
resolut ion used almost exclusively f or cinema-scale f ilm product ion. It is rare t o f ind t his resolut ion out side of
a cinemat ic cont ext . AV.io 4K is capable of support ing input and out put at eit her.