AV.io 4K User Guide
Aut omat ic image scaling & audio resampling
Aut om at ic im age scaling & audio resam pling
If your source cont ent is larger or smaller t han t he f rame size chosen by t he applicat ion, AV.io 4K
aut omat ically scales your source t o mat ch t he desired f rame size! No user conf igurat ion required!
AV.io 4K also aut omat ically perf orms audio resampling, meaning t hat no mat t er t he bit dept h or f requency
of audio t hrough an HDMI audio source, AV.io 4K aut omat ically resamples your audio so t hat your applicat ion
get s a consist ent audio sample rat e and bit dept h, even if you change t he video source!
Third-part y applicat ions
AV.io 4K uses pre-inst alled drivers on your OS(called UVC drivers and UAC drivers) t o communicat e wit h
t hird-part y applicat ions and capt ure cont ent . Due t o AV.io 4K's use of UVC/ UAC t echnology, t here is no need
f or driver inst allat ion. Just like a webcam, your AV.io 4K device is immediat ely recognized as a camera device
(like a web cam) and can be used t o capt ure cont ent via any UVC-compat ible t hird-part y applicat ion.
Third-part y applicat ions t hat work wit h AV.io 4K include, but are not limit ed t o t he f ollowing list . Try your
f avorit e capt ure applicat ion!
Zero-inst all applicat ions (included wit h your OS)
(wit h Windows 8.1 and Windows 10)
Windows Camera app
(wit h Windows 8.1 and Windows 10)
(wit h Mac OSX)
Popular applicat ions available for download
Adobe FM LE
VLC media player