AV.io 4K User Guide
User modes
9. If needed, you may f ollow t he same process f or User mode 2 and User mode 3. If all t hree are
checked and applied, all t hree cust om resolut ions select ed will appear in t he list of resolut ions. You may
change t he def init ion of any of t hese t hree resolut ions at any t ime.
There are t wo scenarios in which t his f eat ure will not perf orm as expect ed.
1. Not all t hird-part y applicat ions are able t o support cust om resolut ions. AV.io 4K will send t he cust om
resolut ion t o t he applicat ion, but if it is unable t o use t he resolut ion, t he applicat ion will override any
AV.io 4K cust om capt ure set t ings.
2. In a Windows environment , due t o rest rict ions set by Microsof t ’s Windows Hardware Qualit y Labs
cert if icat ion, most graphics adapt ers or drivers will not out put resolut ions not included in t he EDID f ile
of t he connect ed display device. In t he scenario where a resolut ion t hat is not included in t he AV.io 4K
st andard resolut ion is request ed, t he Graphics adapt er and driver will apply t he resolut ion request ed
and t hen upscale it t o AV.io 4K’s def ault resolut ion. This means t he User modes f eat ure will not add
t he cust om resolut ions t o t he UVC descript or and t he capt ure sof t ware will be limit ed t o t he pre-
def ined resolut ions.
Out side of t hese rest rict ions, t he f eat ure is recommended in any scenario where you wish t o use a cust om
out put resolut ion.