ot herwise provide t o any t hird part y any port ion of t he Sof t ware, except as expressly permit t ed in t his
Agreement .
14. General: This Agreement is t he ent ire agreement bet ween You and Licensor in respect t o t he Sof t ware,
superseding any ot her agreement s or discussions, oral or writ t en. The t erms and condit ions of t his Agreement
shall prevail over any pre-print ed t erms on any quot es, orders, purchase orders, or purchase order
acknowledgement s, and shall prevail over any ot her communicat ions bet ween t he part ies in relat ion t o t he
Sof t ware. You may not assign t his Agreement whet her volunt arily, by operat ion of law, or ot herwise wit hout
Licensor’s prior writ t en consent . Licensor may assign t his Agreement at any t imewit hout not ice. The f ailure of
a part y t o claim a breach of any t erm of t his Agreement shall not const it ut e a waiver of such breach or t he
right of such part y t o enf orce any subsequent breach of such t erm. If any provision of t his Agreement is held
t o be unenf orceable or illegal, such decision shall not af f ect t he validit y or enf orceabilit y of such provisions
under ot her circumst ances or t he remaining provisions of t his Agreement and such remaining provisions shall
be ref ormed only t o t he ext ent necessary t o make t hem enf orceable under such circumst ances. This
Agreement shall be governed by t he laws of t he Province of Ont ario and t he laws of Canada applicable
t herein. No choice or conf lict of laws rules of any jurisdict ion shall apply t o t his Agreement . You shall only be
ent it led t o bring any act ion or proceeding arising out of or relat ing t o t his Agreement , t he Sof t ware,
Document at ion or any services provided in respect t o t he Sof t ware and/ or Document at ion in a court in
Ot t awa, Ont ario, Canada, and You consent t o t he jurisdict ion of such court s f or any such act ion or proceeding.
You waive all right s t hat You may have or t hat may hereaf t er arise t o cont est t he jurisdict ion of such court s f or
any act ion or proceeding brought by You. You hereby waive any right . You may have t o request a jury t rial
wit h respect t o any act ion brought by You in connect ion wit h t his Agreement , t he Sof t ware or any services
provided in respect t o t he Sof t ware. The applicat ion of t he Unit ed Nat ions Convent ion on Cont ract s f or t he
Int ernat ional Sale of Goods t o t his Agreement is expressly excluded.
March 28, 2014
Environm ent al Inform at ion
The equipment t hat you bought has required t he ext ract ion and use of nat ural resources f or it s product ion. It
may cont ain hazardous subst ances t hat could impact healt h and t he environment . In order t o avoid t he
disseminat ion of t hose subst ances in our environment and t o diminish t he pressure on t he nat ural resources,
we encourage you t o use t he appropriat e t ake-back syst ems. Those syst ems will reuse or recycle most of t he
mat erials of your end lif e equipment in a sound way. The crossed-out wheeled bin symbol invit es you t o use
t hose syst ems. If you need more inf ormat ion about collect ion, reuse and recycling syst ems, please cont act
your local or regional wast e administ rat ion. You can also cont act us f or more inf ormat ion on t he
environment al perf ormance of our product s.
Im port ant Safet y Warnings
WARNING: This product has no user-serviceable part s and t he bat t ery used in t his device is not replaceable.
Do not at t empt t o disassemble. Ret urn t he device f or service.
CAUTION, RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK: This device may have mult iple AC power cords inst alled. All power
sources shall be disconnect ed bef ore servicing t o avoid shock hazard.
ATTENTION: Cet appareil ne cont ient aucun composant pouvant êt re ent ret enu ou réparé par l'ut ilisat eur. En
cas de panne, ret ourner l'appareil pour réparat ion.