AV.io 4K User Guide
Get t ing st art ed
Getting started
Welcome and t hank you f or buying Epiphan Video’s AV.io 4K!
This guide cont ains all t he inf ormat ion necessary t o successf ully use AV.io 4K t o quickly and easily capt ure live
video cont ent wit hout any conf igurat ion – simply connect t he cables and you’re ready t o go!
This guide st art s of f by jumping right int o it by showing you how t o st art capt uring video, t hen we’ll t ake you
t hrough how AV.io 4K works, f ollowed wit h some t echnical ref erence mat erial, and we’ll conclude wit h a
walkt hrough of some opt ional video capt ure conf igurat ion.
Let ’s get st art ed!
What 's in t he box?
Your AV.io 4K product cont ains everyt hing you need t o easily capt ure live video cont ent wit h minimal set up.
Your purchase includes t he f ollowing:
Table 1
Description of included purchase contents (for identification only, color and appearance of individual
cables/adapters may vary).
AV.io 4K video grabber
Your video capt ure device!
HDMI connect or cable
(1 m / 3 f t )
Connect s a HDMI source t o your
AV.io 4K’s nat ive HDMI port .
USB 3.0 cable (1 m / 3
f t )
The USB 3.0 cable connect s your
AV.io 4K video grabber wit h your
comput er’s USB 3.0 or 2.0 port .