AV.io 4K User Guide
User modes
5. Click t he User modes t ab; t he User modes page appears.
6. To creat e a cust om resolut ion, click t he check box f or one of t he user modes. The grayed-out area
becomes open f or changes.
7. Select t he t ext box labeled Widt h, erase t he number t hat is current ly in t he box, and t ype out t he widt h
of t he cust om resolut ion you wish t o use. Then do t he same f or t he resolut ion height in t he t ext box
labeled Height .
8. Click Apply; The cust om resolut ion you def ined will now be added t o t he list of out put resolut ions t hat
you are allowed t o select f rom t he set t ings menu f rom t he t hird-part y applicat ion of your choice.