Tips and guidelines for usage
Ensure that you feel comfortable during irra-
diation. Stop the irradiation and consult with
your doctor about your compatibility with
heat treatment if you feel uncomfortable.
• Do not use the device straight after eating
a meal.
• Before irradiation, drink approximately 1/2
l of fl uid. The best fl uid is water.
• Eating fruit normalises your calcium lev-
els. You can also take calcium and mag-
nesium in the form of effervescent tablets.
• Taking a shower before irradiation pro-
motes sweating, as the skin is cleaned.
• After switching the device on, fi nd a com-
fortable position. Your body should be ir-
radiated evenly.
By changing the clear-
ance between the device and your body,
you can infl uence the irradiation intensity.
• After irradiation, put on a dressing gown
or wrap a towel around your body and al-
low your body to regenerate for approx. 5
• In order to free the skin from sweat con-
tamination, we recommend you take a
warm shower afterwards.
No heat treatments should
be carried out in the follow-
ing cases until you have
clarifi ed matters with your
• Acute and severe infl ammation
• Acute injuries or bleeding
• Epilepsy and states of confusion
• Fever, infections, thromboses
• Surface vein infl ammation
• Organ insuffi ciencies
• Sensibility disorders
• Kidneys, blood pressure disorders
• Surgical implants
• Under the infl uence of alcohol and drugs
• In an unconscious state or if paralysed
• During current circulation-promoting treat-
ment of skin
e.g. mechanical rubbing
• If painkillers are being taken
• After sunbathing or a visit to the solarium
• After operations
Remaining in the irradiation zone in spite of
pain caused by the heat can lead to burns
Technical Data:
Mains connection:
230 V AC 50 Hz
Art.No.: 94.4761 500 W
Art.No.: 94.4762 750 W
Lamp (LWD):
890 x 165 x 110 mm
Weight of lamp:
4.5 kg (net)
Weight of stand:
11.5 kg (net)
Emission range:
1.4 nm - 10 nm
Treatment area (LxW): approx. 1200 x 500 mm
to position 0.
To completely switch off the lamp, please re-
move the mains cable from the socket.