Entek IRD 6687 Protection Monitor
The following are the technical specifications for the 6687.
Transducer type
1 or 2 LVDTs or non-contact probes
Input impedance
Greater than 100k ohms at DC
Transducer sensitivity
1.0 to 9999.9 mV/engineering unit, configured from front panel
Voltage range
Maximum applied voltage ±24 V, maximum usable input range
20 V
Signal Conditioning
Amplitude range
Full scale setting user-configured from front panel
Noise floor
1% scale or 2 mV pk, whichever is greater
Within ± 2.5% of full scale
Per channel, 4 to 20 mA, electrically isolated, 20 mA equal to
full scale of the monitor display
Load resistance 600 ohms max
Accuracy - additional ±2% (typical)
Raw transducer signal
Per channel, front-panel BNC connectors, actively buffered
input signal, output signal and attenuated by a factor of 4
Output impedance 270 ohms
Serial data
Per monitor, 4-wire RS-422/485 for output to host computer,
PLC, or DCS (distributed control system)
MODBUS RTU protocol
Baud Rate
4800, 9600, 19200, 38400
Data transferred
From serial port: overall amplitude, relay status, 30 minute trend
(1 minute interval), 30 minute trend prior to trip (1 minute
First out alarm
First out Alert alarm line, common to both channels
First out Danger alarm line, common to both channels
User-configured high and low Alert and Danger setpoints for
each channel
Engineering units used for alarms are the same as the display
Alarms programmable from 0 to 100% of full scale
Setpoint accuracy
Setpoint repeatability
±0.1% (10 bit resolution)
Alarm delay/start-up
User-configured alarm delay and machine start-up periods
The time periods are user-configured from 0 to 30 seconds in 0.1
second increments