User Manual R0.2
5. Connection Suggestions and points to take into consideration.
6. Warranty conditions:
7. Application Notes:
7.1. Application note Replacement and maintenance time reset.
7.2. Application note Alarm reset.
7.3. Application note Software update.
7.4 Application note Remote start.
7.5 Application note startup screen.
7.6 Application note user defined third Language.
7.7 Application note Preheating.
7.8 Application note Oil freezing prevention.
7.9 Application note Running with pressure switch.
7.9 Application note Temperature dependent fan control function.
The value measured by the screw temperature sensor connected to the terminals 7-8 of the device, which are
defined as AN2, will be indicated as Screw Temperature in the application description below.
When the function of one of the Digital Outputs is assigned as Fan; (Fan Function is assigned to output number 32-
33, which is defined as Out1 in default values of device).
If “Screw Temperature >= P129 Fan Operating Temperature”, the output is activated and the Fan runs. During this
The FAN output remains inactive during the motor start period until switching to load.
When any malfunction occurs in the system, the fan output is deactivated.
After the compressor stops, even if "Screw Temperature > P129 Fan Running Temperature", the Fan output
remains active during the time entered to the "P36 Fan Maximum Running Time" parameter. If the screw
temperature drops below the value entered to the "P129 Fan Running Temperature" parameter for this
period, the Fan output is deactivated.
If "Screw Temperature <= P130 Fan Stop Temperature", the output is deactivated and the Fan stops.