The French interpreter will perform relay interpretation into French. Her outgoing channel
selector should be in CH3 (French) so that her voice is routed to the French channel. Since
she does not understand Spanish, she will listen to the relay audio (English) from the other
interpreter booth. Her “RELAY” Channel Key should be selected and the rotary relay
channel selector should be in CH1 (English). Note: If the French interpreter understands
Spanish, she can perform direct interpretation into French listening directly from the “Floor”.
Scenario 3- The speaker talks in French or the audience asks a question in French:
The Spanish interpreter will perform relay interpretation into Spanish. Her outgoing channel
selector should be in CH2 (Spanish) so that her voice is routed to the Spanish channel. Since
she does not understand French, she will listen to the relay audio (English) from the other
interpreter booth. Her “RELAY” Channel Key should be selected and the rotary relay
channel selector should be in CH1 (English). Note: If the Spanish interpreter understands
French, she can perform direct interpretation into Spanish listening directly from the “Floor”.
The French interpreter will perform direct interpretation into English. Her outgoing channel
selector should be in CH1 (English) so that her voice is routed to the English channel.
She will listen to the original floor audio; therefore, her “FLOOR” Channel Key should be
4-2 Lock Mode
This mode is used in special cases when there is one-way interpretation (i.e. the interpreter
will always interpret into one foreign language).
Each Interpreter Console IC-12 must be preset with a unique outgoing channel before being
used. The procedure is as follows:
Slide the Mode switch on all the interpreter consoles to the Lock position.
Make sure all connections are correct, and power on the control unit CU-12.
Slide the “SET” switch on the rear panel of the Interpreter Console to the “ON” position.
The “ENTER” light indicator on that unit will start flashing. The available channels indica-
tors will turn RED. Only one unassigned channel can be activated per console.
Press one of the available outgoing channel keys and then press “ENTER” to save the
selection. For example: if you want this unit to be assigned to CH1, press the outgoing key
“1”. Then the indicator on the key will change to green. Press the “ENTER” key to save
your selection.
Turn the “SET” switch to the “OFF” position. The “ENTER” indicator will turn off and the
output channel selecting procedure will be completed.
Repeat the same procedure (Steps c~e) to assign all the Interpreter Consoles.
To Cancel Selected Output Channel (only for LOCK mode)
Turn the “SET” switch to the “ON” position.
Push the “ENTER” key for 3 seconds. Then all Outgoing Channel Indicators will turn off.
Turn the “SET” switch to the “OFF” position. The Console will be reset to factory default