Users’ Manual
EDI-53 Series Digital Indicator
is provided by the manufacturer. Examples of such transducers are load cells. In relative reading
transducers the voltage reading obtained just after installation is taken as the Initial Reading.
Examples of such transducers are potentiometric transducers like extensometers, crack meter
For Polynomial Calculation enter the value of Coefficient C in floating point format. An example of a
Floating point number is 1.2345
. However, to enter this number in the indicator write down this
number as 1.2345E-3. The part of the number before the symbol ‘E’ is called the mantissa. You should
restrict the value of the mantissa to five digits. The part of the number following the symbol ‘E’ is called
the exponent and can be a two digit number with an optional minus (-) sign. The plus (+) sign is the
default sign, you do not need to enter the plus sign explicitly through the keyboard
Gauge Factor or Coefficient B
— For Linear Gauge Factor calculation enter the gauge factor of
the transducer in floating point format. For polynomial calculation enter the value of coefficient B
in floating point format.
Coefficient A
— Enter the value of coefficient A for polynomial calculation as for coefficient C
above. For Linear Gauge Factor calculation ensure that this value is set to 0.0000E+00. If the
display shows any other value then press ‘0’ and ‘ENTER’.
Filling up the Setup data entry form before entering data in the indicator will help avoid making mistakes
during data entry and also make sure that you have access to all required data during programming.
Entering Setup data
After you have filled in the Setup data entry form or have collected all relevant data you are ready to
enter the transducer calibration coefficients in the indicator through Setup program.
During the entry process if you make a mistake in entering a value, you can erase the wrong value by
pressing ‘CE’ key. This is called the ‘clear entry’ key. On pressing this key the value currently being
shown on display will be cleared and you will get an opportunity to enter the correct value or number. The
‘CE’ key erases the display only when you are in number entry mode. At all other times it behaves as an
‘escape’ key.
To enter the setup mode turn on power to the indicator while pressing the ‘SETUP’ key. Release the key
after you see the ‘passed’ message. The display will show the following messages in sequence while
starting in setup.
EDI-53 V:02.00
---- PASSED ----
* SETUP * >
Press ‘ENTER’ key to confirm entry to setup mode. Display will show
Ch # ? 0_
Enter the Channel number which you want to setup. (Remember, to enter a number you press the
number keys followed by ‘ENTER’ key). The display will now prompt
For each and every transducer that you setup you must choose an available symbol. This field cannot be
left blank. Leaving the unit field blank will cause the indicator to erase the transducer coefficients
programmed in that channel (See ‘Erasing setup data for a single channel’ below).
Press the keys 0 through 9 to see the list of available symbols. When you see the symbol which you want
to display for this transducer, press ‘ENTER’. Display will now prompt
IR ? 0.0000E+00_