Users’ Manual
EDI-53 Series Digital Indicator
Press the ‘ENTER’ key to accept the time or press ‘TIME’ key to set the time. If you press ‘TIME’ the
display will flash
and then prompt
Time ? 0_
Enter the value of time in hours and minutes as a single number. For example to enter 12 hours 45
minutes, enter 1245 and press ‘ENTER’. The new time will be set and the display will revert back to
normal display.
Any time you want to check the date or time press the ‘DATE’ or ‘TIME’ key. Remember to press the
‘ENTER’ key if you do not want to change the displayed value.
Taking measurements
If you have followed the steps described above you are now ready to take measurements from any
The EDI-53 indicator is supplied with a cable assembly for connecting to the transducers. One end of the
cable has a 7 pin circular plug. Insert this plug in the corresponding socket of the indicator. There is only
one socket in the indicator which will accept this plug.
The other end of this cable has four leads terminated in crocodile clips. Two of the leads are of red and
black colour and terminated with Red and Black clips. These are the transducer excitation supply leads.
Connect these two leads to the transducer excitation supply terminals. The red lead should be connected
to the transducer positive excitation supply terminal. Some transducers do not require an excitation
supply and these leads should not be connected to the transducer terminals.
The other pair of red and black leads are terminated in yellow clips. These are the signal input leads.
Connect these two leads to the transducer signal output terminals. The red lead should be connected to
the more positive output of the transducer.
In the normal measurement mode with a transducer connected to the indicator input the display will show
a voltage reading, something like
I/P: 0.8906 V
The value 0.8906 V is the converted voltage present at the ADC input (NOTE:
It is not the value present
at the indicator input which is different
). This value is the raw ADC data and does not make much sense.
You would like to see the parameter value calculated from this value and displayed in terms of applicable
engineering units. The steps for displaying the parameter value directly in engineering units is discussed
Displaying parameter value in engineering units
The EDI-53 indicator can compute the value of most parameters measured by the transducers directly in
proper engineering units like kPa, mm, degrees, tons etc. For this however the transducer calibration
coefficients (also called transducer constants) like “Initial Reading” and “Gage Factor” and the “units
symbol” itself have to be entered in the indicator setup memory.
The EDI-53 indicator can store calibration coefficients of up to 500 transducers. The set of memory
locations containing the calibration coefficients of individual transducer is called a channel. So the
indicator is said to have 500 channels setup memory.
Each transducer is assigned one unique channel number between 000 and 500 by which it is identified.
However, we use the terms channel number and transducer number interchangeably.