VDS 200Q10 Series
Manual for Operation
V 1.00
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2.3. Safety with voltage setting
To ensure a safe operation of the DUT (Device Under Test) some restrictions in the operation of the instrument
are built in. These restrictions are explained within this paragraph
The VDS 200N and VDS 200Q series, as well as most linear power amplifiers will create spikes at
start and stop. Do not touch any conducted parts of the system and be sure to remove the DUT
during power up and shut down or damage may occur.
Do not use the VDS 200Q10.x with a parallel battery.
A four-quadrant source, like the VDS 200Q10.x can supply both positive and negative voltage as well as positive
or negative current in any combination. It can also sink current that may be supplied from external sources.
Often, using a classic 'source' (power supply or 1 - 2 quadrant source) the user felt the need to buffer the voltage
in order to get inrush or to properly simulate the impedance of the battery in the car. This, of course, can no
longer be controlled as the source simply becomes a charger the the battery.
However, when using a four-quadrant source like the VDS 200Q10.x and the source's voltage is set lower than
the battery, the battery can discharge through the source.
This can result in a dangerous condition, not only for the four-quadrant source, but also because you've
effectively short-circuited the battery when setting the voltage to zero (or switching the four-quadrant source off!).
Remember that all sources must have a source impedance of <10 mOhm according to ISO 7637.
Finally, by shorting (or overcharging) the battery, the battery can actually overheat, crack (releasing acid!) or
even explode due to the release of hydrogen.
Do not use a parallel battery with the VDS 200Q10.x or a dangerous condition can occur by
exceeding the current of the VDS 200Q10.x, or overheating the battery.
While the output of the VDS 200Q10.x is floating, the battery negative pole should be within 10V
of earth for safety reasons.
Do not put the simulator in parallel with other sources.
The VDS 200Q10.x basically is divided into 2 different operation modes, which includes their individual test
routines and supply voltage setting. The different modes can be listed as follows:
DC Source
(VDS Generator - User Test Routines - DC Source)
Within this mode the VDS 200Q10.x is used as a simple DC power source in the range of up to 60V / 0-10A and
an integrated current limiter.
Arbitrary Wave Simulator
Within this mode the VDS 200Q10.x generates arbitrary waveforms and signals which are specified in different
standards, such as pulse 4 of ISO 7637.