EAOM-210 FLJ.eng / ver 0.0
Pages 97 / 132
When the connection is established, main screen is shown;
3.6.4 Description
The EAOM-210 FLJ unit communicates with PC by means of EAOM-210 FLJ PCIK. With
EAOM-210 FLJ configuration
software, the EAOM-210 FLJ unit’s parameters and status
information can be reached over PC easily. Operator and Technician parameters can be
viewed. It also allows download to device the ‘Serial / Phone Numbers’ and ‘Modem
Commands’ parameters. The all messages on the unit can be modified with this software.
Parameters are password protected. Main Menu
File Menu
This menu allows the user to save configuration files to the disc, read from disc and write
to disc.