Operation User
October 2015
QCL-MAN-CT2211-Aerosol-Leak-Detection-System-Rev F
Reject verification
When the rejector removes a can from the line, the reject verification gate expects to
see a trigger with in a set time after the rejector is activated. If the reject verification
gate does not see this trigger, the
reject verification
error is triggered. There are a
number of reasons this may occur:
A can has been unsuccessfully rejected.
The reject verification gate is disconnected or not working.
The trigger is taking too long to activate.
Encoder error
The correct operation of the encoder is vital for the control system to function. There is
a range of line speeds that the encoder expects to see (from 0m/s to 1.5m/s). If the
speed of the line is outside of this range, the error will be triggered. The error is also
triggered if the encoder sees that the line is running and the line stop input signal is
low, meaning that the control system expects the line to be stopped.
Air sampling healthy
The Cascade pressure switch is used to monitor the air supply to the system. If the air
supply is interrupted, the pressure switch will activate this error.
Bin full
As the number of cans removed from the line increases, the reject bin begins to fill.
The reject verification gate is used to detect when the bin is overflowing and trigger
bin full
Mirror purge warning
The leak detector requires a mirror purge cleaning at regular intervals to maintain the
performance of the sensor. The control system has a timer that is used to ensure that
this cleaning purge is performed. Once the timer reaches
, the warning light is
activated for two hours to remind the user to operate the purge.
Mirror purge error
The leak detector requires a mirror purge cleaning at regular intervals to maintain the
performance of the sensor. The control system has a timer that is used to ensure that
this cleaning purge is performed. Once the mirror purge warning has been active for
two hours, the
mirror purge
error is triggered, forcing you to purge the mirrors before
the system continues.
In addition to the errors listed above that the control system can detect, there is a
hardware watch dog on the system. If the system crashes, the watch dog will cause the
system to become unhealthy, and the production line PLC can read the output from
this watch dog to ensure that the system remains healthy.
In order to reset any of the errors above, press the
Reset errors
button on the Error
Status page. This clears any errors that are no longer affecting the system. If any errors
persist, the error status indicator will not turn green, and the reason for the continued
error should be investigated.