LTP-8X optical line terminal
connection via public IP networks.
This section considers direct connection to CLI at the terminal location. Remote connection is similar,
but requires changes in the terminal IP address which will be considered in details in Chapter 11, page
In order to be connected to the terminal, a PC should have a NIC. The PC should have an SSH client
installed, e.g. PuTTY. The connection will additionally require the sufficient amount of network cable
(Patch Cord RJ45) as it is not included to the delivery package.
Step 1.
Perform Steps 1 and 2 from Section 8.2.
Step 2.
Run PuTTY. Enter IP address of the terminal. The factory setting for IP address is
Select port
protocol type. Click Open.
Fig. 8.5. Running SSH Client
Step 3.
Log into the terminal CLI. Factory settings: login: admin, password: password.
login: admin
Eltex LTP-8X:rev.B software version 3.24.1 build 109 on 15.12.2015 12:01
Technical support: http://eltex.nsk.ru/support
Fri Jan 7 18:35:08 LOCAL 2000