LTP-8X optical line terminal
Chapter 8.
Connecting to Terminal CLI
This Chapter describes various connection methods for Command Line Interface (CLI) of the terminal.
A serial port (hereafter—COM port) is recommended for preliminary adjustment of the terminal.
CLI Views Hierarchy
This type of connection requires PC either to have an integrated COM port or to be supplied with a USB-
COM adapter cable. The PC should also have a terminal program installed, e.g. Hyperterminal.
Step 1.
Use the null modem cable from the delivery package to connect the console port of the terminal
to the PC COM port as shown in Fig. 8.1.
Fig. 8.1. Connecting the Terminal to a PC via COM Port
Step 2.
Launch the terminal program and create a new connection. Select the corresponding COM port
in the "Connect to" drop-down list. Assign the port settings according to Table 8.1. Click OK.
Table 8.1. Port Settings
Bit rate
Data bits