LTP-8X optical line terminal
end with an error for ONTs which are not connected.
To create a multiple tries update task, use a scheduler. This method is generally used to update the
ONTs which are not in the OLT channel at the time of the update. The task you create in the scheduler
will be executed as soon as a corresponding ONT connects to the channel. To create, delete or view
tasks in the scheduler and use the
schedule ont
command. To create an ONT firmware update task, use
schedule ont update
command and specify ONT ID and the firmware update file:
LTP-8X# schedule ont update 0/0 ntp-rg-r3.20.1.1111.fw.bin
Task created for [ONT0/0]
To view scheduled tasks, use the
schedule ont update firmware show
LTP-8X# show schedule ont update
Existing tasks (1):
## Serial Ch/ Id Operation Status Tries remained
0 --- 0/ 0 ont_update scheduled 5
You can delete some of the created tasks by using the
schedule ont update firmware delete
with ONT serial number or ID:
LTP-8X# no schedule ont update 0/0
Task deleted for [ONT0/0]
To clear the scheduler, use the
schedule ont update firmware clear
LTP-8X# clear schedule ont update
All tasks cleared
The tasks created in the scheduler will continue running until the update completes successfully or the
number of tries is reached (the "tries remained" parameter).
ONT Firmware Autoupdate
To enable firmware autoupdate for all ONTs, use the auto-update ont command and specify update
type (immediate or postpone).
Step 1.
Specify FW ONT autoupdate mode. Immediate mode enables immediate firmware autoupdate
for all connected ONTs. In postpone mode, ONT firmware update will be performed upon the ONT
LTP-8X# config
LTP-8X(config)# auto-update ont postpone
Step 2
. Apply the changes by using the commit command:
LTP-8X(config)# do commit
Step 3.
To enable ONT firmware autoupdate process, you have to specify update rules. Specify ONT
model, its current firmware version and the name of the firmware file to be flashed. To do this, use