Enables the use of an auxiliary relay to switch a defrost heater or solenoid
valve. The defrost heater is a heating element located below the evaporator.
00: Do not use a defrost heater.
01: Switch on the defrost heater during the defrost cycle and run the evap-
orator fan.
02: Switch on the defrost heater during the defrost cycle and do not run the
evaporator fan.
03: Switch on the defrost heater during the defrost cycle and do not run the
evaporator fan. The evaporator fan then remains off for one minute after the
end of the defrost cycle.
04: Switch on the defrost heater during the defrost cycle and do not run the
evaporator fan. The evaporator fan then remains off for two minutes after the
end of the defrost cycle.
05: Switch on the defrost heater during the defrost cycle and do not run the
evaporator fan. The evaporator fan then remains off for three minutes after the
end of the defrost cycle.
06: Hot gas defrost. That is, the relay switches a solenoid valve.
Global default
79 of 86
27 February 2014