EMS controllers with a one day learning period start switching to the
saving mode
on the second day,
(second 24 hours), if there are sufficient saving (0) periods. EMS controller then continue to update
the self-learning matrix as follows:
For periods set to ready (2), if no activity is detected change to monitor (1). Otherwise, keep the period set to
ready (2).
For periods set to saving (0), if activity is detected change to monitor (1). Otherwise, keep the period set to mon-
itor (0).
For example, the self-learning matrix shows that the outlet is open for longer on day 2 than day 1.
Therefore, the EMS controller has changed the state of the periods that were set to saving (0) to mon-
itor (1) as shown in the following example matrix.
At the end of week 1, the EMS controller has updated the self-learning matrix for the outlet activity
Note that differences for activity patterns learnt on day 2 take
two weeks
to be implemented. There-
fore, 1 day learning periods are recommended only for outlets with regular patterns every day of the
How a 7-day learning period works
EMS controllers with a seven day learning period,
set to 1, run in the
ready mode
for 7 days (7 x 24
hours), whilst the EMS controller learns the outlet activity pattern such as opening and closing times.
EMS controllers start self-learning the moment the EMS controllers are first powered-up.
At power-up, all the 30 minute periods are set to monitor (1) as shown in the following example
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27 February 2014