How EMS controllers work - self-learning
EMS controllers monitor the cooler activity to record consumer patterns. EMS controllers use the
learnt patterns to switch between the following modes:
Ready mode the product is at the correct serving temperature and the cooler lights are on.
Saving mode the product temperature is allowed to rise to save energy and the cooler lights are off. In the sav-
ing mode, the EMS controller is switched on and the saving temperature always stays within the pre-set limits
to ensure that the cooler can lower to the ready mode temperature within the defined time.
To learn the cooler activity, EMS controllers start a learning period at first power-up. During the learn-
ing period, the EMS controller runs in the ready mode. Therefore, the product temperature is at the
correct serving temperature and the cooler lights are on, as shown below.
EMS controllers can use a 1-day or 7-day learning period as follows:
1-day learning period that is aimed for outlets with regular daily patterns, such as 7/11 shops. For a 1-day learn-
ing period, the EMS controller runs in the ready mode for the first day (24 hours).
7-day learning period that is aimed for outlets with varied opening hours such as working days, weekends,
closed on Sundays, and so on. For a 7-day learning period, the EMS controller runs in the ready mode for the
first 7 days.
During the learning period, EMS controllers learn the times of cooler activity. That is, times that con-
sumers open the cooler doors and move in front of the cooler. The EMS controller stores the peri-
ods of activity in the self-learning matrix.
At the end of the learning period, EMS controllers then use the self-learning matrix to determine
whether to run in the ready mode or the saving mode as follows:
1-day learning period, the EMS controller uses the self-learning matrix from day 1 for the next six days to build a
complete 7-day self-learning matrix. The EMS controller then uses the complete self-learning matrix on day 8.
7-day learning period, the controller uses the complete self-learning matrix on day 8.
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27 February 2014