Mitterweg 25 – Via di Mezzo ai Piani 25
-39100 Bozen
Tel.:0471 977236
level is much greater, admittedly with the disadvantage of a possibly more unstable display
(the decimal place fluctuates more frequently).
Standby after X minutes
The sprayer computer switches to standby mode after the number of minutes of inactivity set
here. It is possible to enter between 10 and 1000 minutes (approx. 16 hours). The standard
setting is 15 minutes. Together with the sprayer computer the volume sensor immediately
followed by the SPG20 control module will also go into standby. The power consumption falls
below 50mA in standby mode.
Adjustment level sensor
This menu button is password protected. The password is: 135799
The content display can be corrected by adapting the values of an empty tank and of a full
tank. It is important to ensure that the zero balance is always set before the max. balance.
Moreover, you also need to be sure that the volume sensor has been fitted in accordance
with the instructions (
chapter 12.1)
Zero balance
Be sure that the tank and the sensor tube are
Press the plus button in the “zero balance”
section until the number is greater than zero.
If the value is greater than zero, then the
minus button must be pressed until you see the value
“0” appear.
The zero point is now adjusted, press on the
“save”-symbol in the middle of the lower screen area.
Max. balance
Fill the tank up to the maximum (or another
volume that you know)
If the value now displayed does not correspond to the actual volume, you can correct it
using the “plus” or “minus” buttons.
As soon as the value has been set correctly, press the “save” button. The correction of
the content display is then concluded and the menu can be exited again using the “exit”
Minimum pressure limit (pressure control)
In automatic mode (spray programme or semi-automatic mode) where the pressure
regulation is dependent on the speed of travel, it is possible to set a pressure drop limit.
The software keeps the pressure at least at this value or above, but never below. Valid
values: 0 ÷ 255 bar (standard = 0 bar).
Warning: If using the flow sensor for regulation, this function is not available.
Fig. 35: Correcting the content display