Mitterweg 25 – Via di Mezzo ai Piani 25
-39100 Bozen
Tel.:0471 977236
Create new programme
Press this button to create a new programme.
A name is suggested for the new programme in the window that now opens. This can
be amended by pressing on it.
The new programme is then saved with the “save” button.
Edit programme name
Select the programme whose name you wish to change. The name can be changed
in the field below. Since every spray programme is assigned to a field and at least one
chemical/product, it is recommended that the names should be chosen so that the
field and type of spraying operation can be recognized, e.g. “Home meadow scab
Copy programme
The programme to be copied is selected in
the “source” box in this window (Fig. 21) and
the programme to be overwritten is selected
in the “target” box. The programme in the
target box is overwritten by pressing the
arrow key. If you do not wish to overwrite an
existing programme, simply create a new
programme with the “new” button.
Delete programme
Any programme selected in the list can
be deleted with the “delete” button. Once
the confirmation prompt has been confirmed with OK the programme will be
irretrievably deleted.
Fig. 21: Copy programme