3. The inputs/outputs are incorrectly configured.
Check if the function on each input/output is correct. It could happen that the functions were
misplaced in the configuration.
CANopen master
External CAN inputs
are activated for more than one display.
Disable the CANopen master function for all displays except one. If several CANopen Master
are turned on simultaneously, these will interfere with each other.
The floor is depicted wrong or not at all with the widget
1. The floor is not configured.
Check whether in the menu
house editor
all floors are set. Only those floors will be displayed,
which have an alias. If an image is added, this will be displayed too. If neither image, nor text
have been entered, the previous text will be displayed so the user doesn’t realize for example
that he passed a maintenance floor.
2. No floor position is provided or the controlling sent a floor level = 0.
floor level = 0 means nothing should be displayed. Hence, the behaviour is correct. At
operation with in- and output it can happen that a different floor level is being sent. In this
case in- and output on the external CAN In- and output board as well as in the menu
ELFIN Call Controller
need to be checked. Attention should especially be paid to the chosen
format of the format of the floor level (standard, Graycode, binary).
© ELFIN Technology GmbH | flexyPage displays user manual | version 2.1.x | 2022-06