With the widget TextArea[basic] any text can be displayed. The design can be
configured in many ways. Font and size as well as the colours of the text, the
frame and the background can be freely adjusted. In contrast to the
"TextArea[locked]" widget, the content of this widget can also be changed by
users with the Content role.
Available on fpc-01, fpc-02, fpc-04, fpc-05 devices
The widget DiaShow[basic] can display one or more images. If several images
are selected they will be displayed one after another in a freely configurable
interval. The transition between two images is animated. On fpc-01, fpc-02 and
fpc-04 devices the duration of the animation can be configured as well. The
presentation can be displayed in full screen or on a widget window.
Available on fpc-01, fpc-02, fpc-04 devices
With a previously on the display saved video, the VideoPlayer[basic] widget
plays it in an infinite loop. Aspect ratio and sound level can be set. We
recommend using videos in format h264. Normally, those are in mp4, avi, or
mov format. For soundtrack, mp3 is recommended.
If the video file does not contain a soundtrack, the volume in the video
widget must be set to "0". Otherwise the screen will remain black.
It is not possible to play a video with sound and simultaneous sounds, such
as voice announcements or acoustic signals. If you want to show a video
and use sounds, you must set the volume of the video to "0".
For fel1X devices, it is not possible to use events and timers in combination
with this widget.
Even if multiple widgets of this type and of the type "Video[Stream]" are
pushed to the interface, there should never be more than one widget active.
© ELFIN Technology GmbH | flexyPage displays user manual | version 2.1.x | 2022-06