2. The display cannot find a master.
Check if the master is active. For this purpose, either there must be a CANopen controller or
the entry
CANopen Master
in the menu
ELFIN Call Controller
must be active. The node
IDs in the master must be between 1 and 8.
3. The inputs / outputs are incorrectly or not configured (only relevant with the use of
additional input / output boards).
Check I/O modules in the menu CAN > ELFIN call controller and the I/O modules of the
external CANopen lift board, which is connected to controlling.
4. The node number is incorrect.
Check in the CAN menu whether all nodes are set up correctly.
Check other nodes on double nodes ID.
With the use of additional input/output modules: check if the CANopen input/output boards
have the nodes 16 and 17 and the position sensor (if any) have the node ID 3.
The display shows the wrong lift status.
1. The wrong lift is set (only with lift groups).
Check the lift number in the menu
lift settings
assigned lifts
2. The wrong floor is set.
Check which floor is set in the menu
lift settings
> floor.
The car is floor
, the lowest floor is
,... .
© ELFIN Technology GmbH | flexyPage displays user manual | version 2.1.x | 2022-06